Autism Partnership Manila

Making a Difference for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Since 1994

Intensive 1on1 APM Therapy Programs

Designed to maximize the progress of children with ASD and reach their full potential. 

Jumpstart Program – A 5-Day APM Therapy Program

1:1 APM Intensive Specialized Treatment – A Short ABA Therapy Program for Rapid Progress

Changing Lives Through APM Quality Treatments

Since 1994, Autism Partnership has been dedicated to providing quality APM treatment services for individuals with ASD.

A Global Presence

Autism Partnership offers flexible treatment services in 10 countries, 17 cities. Find our centers near you.
years experience
global locations
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Quality Intensive APM Treatment Programs

The Autism Partnership Method

The AP Method

Quality Makes a Difference Based on 30 years of research and effective clinical practice

Our Intensive APM Treatment Programs

We devote our expertise and effort to individualizing every program according to each child’s individual needs, paving the way for a future with amazing choices and opportunity.

Psychological Assessments for Autism

We provide one of the most comprehensive, detailed, and specific assessment services in Asia.

Leap of Faith - Stories of Parents

Choi, a 6-year-old boy, has been attending mainstream school just like his peers. However, he exhibited challenging behaviors in the classroom, such as throwing objects and hurting others. At school, he was often separated from his classmates and unable to participate in their regular activities.

Student Learning Journey

At first glance, Kimi seems like an ordinary child with an adorable smile and an energetic temperament. But at the age of 2, he was diagnosed with ASD and was non-verbal...

Getting to know

Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is ASD?

Autism is a severe disruption of the normal development process and is often diagnosed within the first few years of life. Autism is viewed as a spectrum with varying degrees of severity and levels of functioning.
Books / Research / Journals & more

Resources & Knowledge

Small victories. Big results.

Incredible change is possible —we see it every day.

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