Choi, a 6-year-old boy, has been attending mainstream school just like his peers. However, he exhibited challenging behaviors in the classroom, such as throwing objects and hurting others. At school, he was often separated from his classmates and unable to participate in their regular activities. His school teachers recommended that Choi’s father seek support from AP Manila.
For five months, Choi took a break from school and joined AP Manila to develop the skills necessary for him to become a more successful learner in school. These skills primarily focused on Language and Communication, Social Skills, and Emotional Regulation.
As Choi made progress in managing his emotions, he required less time at AP and gradually transitioned back to school. His teachers and father observed significant improvements in his behavior and communication skills. Choi was now able to remain calm around others even when upset, demonstrated interest in playing and working with his classmates, and became someone his father could now rely on to complete his homework and chores independently.