5 Hong Kong Families, 5 Children, and 5 Unique ASD Experiences and Struggles
Parents of children with ASD score higher on levels of stress than other groups of parents. The daily challenges of caring for the child are endless and effect all aspects of the child’s care as well as the parent’s mental health and ability to manage the needs of the child and family.
In the process of interviewing 40 families in Hong Kong, we see the tremendous impact of ASD on each family. From the emotional stress of the initial diagnosis, to the daily stress of dealing with the child’s behavior problems, and the financial stress of finding treatment options; autism affects families in many ways.
Every Child with Autism is Different.
Autism is a spectrum, which means that its symptoms range from mild and few to severe and many. One person with autism might have several mild symptoms in a set of areas, while another might have a different set of symptoms and severity.
Children with ASD may present problem behaviors in many forms, including tantrums, difficulties in toileting, eating problem, not following instructions and more. These behaviors can be challenging and upsetting for many parents and can prevent their children from reaching their full potential.
The 5 families we share with you today have their unique stories and challenges. The 5 families all have a 2-years old child diagnosed with ASD, yet the challenges that the 5 families are facing with their child are totally different. Nevertheless, they all share a common situation, which is finding themselves struggling to manage the difficult behavior of their young child and are in need of professional help and support.
Let us introduce the 5 families to you.
Philus is a talkative 2 years and 7 months old boy. He was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 2. Philus has many verbal language skills, but he has great difficulty following instructions and responding to his parents and teachers. His mother reported that she has had great challenges bringing him out in the community as he gets easily distracted and attracted by many things. A 5-minute walk often takes 30-minutes to walk with Philus.
Parent Sharing – The concerns of their child
The programs AP has worked on with Philus during the 3 days training
Program#1 – Walking in the Community
Program#2 – Waiting
Program#3 – Responding
Program#4 – Following Instructions in Class
Disclosure Statement of Philus’ Parents
Philus’ parents were invited to present their perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Philus is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.

Ho Ho is now 2 years and 4 months old. He was diagnosed with ASD at age 2. Ho Ho is an extreme picky eater and refuses to eat a variety of food. His mum expresses concerns regarding his mealtime behavior problems, and it is especially challenging to get him to eat a healthy range of food. Ho Ho’s mother also saw skill regression in Ho Ho at the age of 2. Ho Ho is non-verbal and can make limited sounds.
Parent Sharing – The concerns of their child
The programs AP has worked on with Ho Ho during the 5 days training
Program#1 – Eating
Program#2 – Language
Disclosure Statement of Ho Ho’s Mom
Ho Ho’s mom was invited to present her perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Ho Ho is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.

Parent Sharing – The concerns of their child
The programs AP has worked on with Long Long during the 5 days training
Program#1 – Attention in Group
Program#2 – Following Instructions
Disclosure Statement of Long Long’s Parents
Long Long’s parents were invited to present their perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Long Long is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.

Parent Sharing – The concerns of their child
Difficulties in Attention Sustaining and Language
Program#1 – Attention
Program#2 – Expressing & Describing
Matteo’s Parents Sharing – Improvement in Matteo’s response, attention and language skills
Disclosure Statement of Matteo’s Parent
Matteo’s parent was invited to present her perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Matteo is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.

Parent Sharing – Lucas’s Dad: Seeking professional support early can make a big difference for the child
Addressing Aggressive of 2 Years Old Lucas
Program#1 – Following Instructions
Program#2 – Waiting
Parents Training
Lucas’ Parent Sharing: We Can Now Apply Effective Strategies to Address my Son’s Everyday Behaviour Problems.
Disclosure Statement of Lucas’ parents
Lucas’ parents were invited to present their perspective as an educational opportunity for addressing the awareness of ASD and importance of early-intervention. Lucas is a past client of Autism Partnership Hong Kong.
The Case Sharing of APM Educational Project in 2020
APM Educational Project – Parent Training in 2020