Category: Social

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Children with autism may not be strongly interested in playing with others and would not frequently engage in social activities. Additionally, social games often involve rules that are difficult for our students to understand. Therefore, we may need to create social activities that allow our students to enjoy their interaction with others. The social activities […]

One thing that parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder are concerned about is their child’s social skills. Hoping that their children will play nicely with peers, some common skills that therapists and teachers usually target at the beginning are turn taking or sharing. However, at AP, we believe that developing social interest […]

How to support children to respond truthfully, or accurately, to us? [ Recap Part 1 ] Children lie to avoid punishment or responsibility, seeking attention from others, or to protect another person. Often, these behaviours happen after children find themselves in a conflicted situation or after they misbehave. While some lies can be simple (such […]

Parent’s Question: My child is now eight years old and studying in Primary 2 in a mainstream school. He can speak, but his social skills and comprehension skills are not very good. I think he’s been sort of lying. For example, he had a PE class in school, but when I ask him if he […]


In Part 2, we will discuss how to help children who may be way too assertive and may use extreme ways such as snatching back, aggression to deal with situation when their toys are taken away. children who exhibit these behaviors probably has learnt from the past experience that snatching back is usually very effective […]

This article is only available in Chinese. To read in Chinese, please click on this page.


Children with autism often face a lot of difficulties when playing with peer. It is not uncommon that our children do not know how to deal with situations when peers snatch toys that they are playing with. Each child is different, some may appear to be passive and do not do anything to respond; some […]

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