Autism Treatment – Not All ABA are the Same! What is Progressive ABA?

[:en]Throughout decades, new intervention methods for ASD have emerged one after another, but the effectiveness of these treatments remains controversial. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered by most as the “gold standard” therapy for autism; it is evidence-based, scientifically-proven and has come from decades of scientific research. However, there are still controversy around ABA therapy.[vc_row][vc_column_text]

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column_text]This is because not all ABA are the same! Some believed that children become “robotic” through ASD teaching methods, and this misconception came from poor quality ABA that is extremely rigid, protocol driven, and adherent to a set of pre-determined rules, regardless of the child. ABA can take a variety of different forms depending upon the technique, approach and skills in implementation by the therapists. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to understand the component of high-quality ABA and the skills a therapist needs to provide high-quality ABA.


Autism Partnership – Providing Effective Services to Individuals with Autism Since 1994 in 14 Cities

APM is a progressive model of ABA, that is highly individualized, child friendly, holistic and focused on “in-the-moment analysis” and “clinical judgement”.

With over 45 years of research and effective clinical practice and with centers located in 14 cities, Autism Partnership provides APM treatment for individuals with ASD. In contrast to conventional ABA, the APM is a highly flexible, yet systematic and compassionate approach meeting the individual needs. Our approach to intervention applies sound teaching principles of learning to help children succeed.

In the upcoming three weeks, our AP behavioral consultants will discuss how APM can help individuals of ASD to learn and thrive in different ages. Topics include how APM is applied to improve children’s learning motivation, behavior problems, language skills and social skills.
See you in the coming Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm! (HK Time, once-off LIVE, no replay to be provided.)
live streaming platform:YouTube
Language: English

Date & Time Topic Speaker
9/11(Tue) 1pm-1:30pm APM and the Journeys of Children with ASD Mr. Toby Mountjoy

M.Sc., BCBA, Director
11/11(Thur) 1pm-1:30pm Improving Motivation in Learning of Children with ASD Dr. Raymond Fung

Ed.D, M.S. ABA, BCBA, Training Director
16/11(Tue) 1pm-1:30pm Effective Strategies in Dealing with Behavior Problems
Ms. Kan Wong
Program Director
18/11(Thur) 1pm-1:30pm Developing language skills in children with ASD at beginning level
Ms. Teresa Ng
Behavioral Consultant
23/11(Tue) 1pm-1:30pm Application of ABA in Group Settings
Ms. Christy Lai
Behavioral Consultant
25/11(Thur) 1pm-1:30pm Applying Autism Partnership Method in Primary School
Dr. Yvonne Cheung
Ed.D, M.S. ABA, BCBA, Behavioral Consultant
30/11(Tue) 1pm-1:30pm Autism and Education: preparing for adulthood
Ms. Abbie Chan
M.SocSc, Principal


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Facebook: APautism
Wechat: AP-APHK
Youtube: Autism Partnership Hong Kong

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:zh]近年來自閉症的干預方法層出不窮,但其效果頗有爭議。應用行為分析 Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)是現時最被廣泛認可、最具科研證實支持、最有效的自閉症治療方法。但為什麼不少家長甚至是業内人士對ABA有正反兩極的看法?[vc_row][vc_column_text]

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column_text]因為不是所有ABA都是一樣的! 有些人認為ABA會把自閉症患者訓練成「機器人」。這種錯誤觀點源自劣質及過度刻板的ABA治療。除了治療師的教學品質外,治療的密度(訓練時數)及教學内容也對自閉症患者的治療成效有直接的影響。因此家長們必須了解優質ABA治療的元素和選擇機構服務和治療人員的準則,才可以更快地為孩子作出正確的決定,少走彎路。


Autism Partnership 專業自閉症治療服務遍佈全球14個城市

Autism Partnership (AP)在ABA領域有近50年的深入研究及臨床實證經驗,在全球14個城市設有辦事處,專注為自閉症患者提供AP教學法訓練。有別於傳統的ABA,AP教學法是以ABA為基礎的一種漸進式教學模型,注重即時分析及臨床判斷,為學生提供友好,全方位及高度個性化的密集式干預訓練,配合完善的個案管理和多層監督架構,以實現效果最大化。




語言: 英文 (中文字幕)

日期及時間 主題 講者
9/11(二) 1pm-1:30pm AP教學法及自閉症兒童治療歷程 Toby Mountjoy 先生
理學碩士, 國際認證行為分析師, AP董事
11/11(四) 1pm-1:30pm 如何提升自閉症兒童學習動機 馮耀文先生
教育博士, 國際認證行為分析師, 應用行為分析治療培訓總監
16/11(二) 1pm-1:30pm 處理行為問題的有效策略 王勵勤女士
理學碩士, 國際認證行為分析師, 應用行為分析治療課程總監
18/11(四) 1pm-1:30pm 自閉症兒童早期語言技能的開發 吳婉茵女士
應用行為分析碩士, 國際認證行為分析師,  應用行為分析治療顧問
23/11(二) 1pm-1:30pm AP教學法在小組環境中的運用 賴靜女士
理學碩士, 國際認證行為分析師, AP北京應用行為分析訓練課程監督
25/11(四) 1pm-1:30pm AP教學法在小學階段的運用 張詩琪女士
教育博士, 國際認證行為分析師,  愛培學校應用行為分析治療顧問
30/11(二) 1pm-1:30pm 自閉症與教育:為成人生活的準備 陳恩楟女士
社會科學碩士, 愛培學校校長

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請分享,讓更多人了解自閉症及學習更多應用行為分析( ABA)的治療技巧。
Facebook: APautism
微信號: AP-APHK


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