Parents Q&A – How to teach children with ASD to follow instruction in class

Parent’s concern:
My child would not listen to teacher in class. At home, he can follow instructions but ignore them totally in class. What should I do?

There are 3 main reasons why children with ASD cannot follow instructions in class.

Hands-on #1: How to increase students’ awareness to teacher’s instructions in class:

Hands-on #2: How to increase students’ language and comprehension skills

Hands-on #3: How to increase students’ motivation in following instructions in class

Toby Mountjoy

M.Sc., CPBA-AP, BCBA, Director

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Mr. Toby Mountjoy is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and holds a Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis. With over 25 years of experience working with individuals with ASD, he has been extensively trained by Dr. Ronald Leaf, Dr. Mitchell Taubman and Dr. John McEachin. Besides overseeing the Autism Partnership operation in Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Kuwait and Beijing, with over 500 staff, including psychologists, consultants and therapists, he has also provided consultations to school districts, agencies, and families worldwide. Mr. Mountjoy has also contributed chapters to publications such as “Sense & Nonsense” and “It’s Time for School”. In 2007, he founded the charitable Autism Partnership Foundation and AP School to offer more services for children with Autism.

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